The National Commission condemned the builder for creating third-party rights during litigation, thereby depriving the buyer of a permanent roof over his head, points out Jehangir B Gai.
The National Commission ruled that the insurance policy is deemed to be automatically transferred to the purchaser when the vehicle is registered in their name.
The National Commission noted that if the policyholder wanted reinstatement, he should have made a written request and should have also cleared the premium till that date, but no such request had been made.
National Commission concluded that false and baseless allegations had been made in the complaint to claim a highly exaggerated and atrocious amount of compensation.
The State Commission concluded the insurer could not take advantage of a typographical error on the bank's part to repudiate a legitimate claim, points out Jehangir B Gai.
The National Commission held that any individual possessing a bearer instrument is legally entitled to encash it, and the bank is bound to honour such an instrument when it is presented for payment.
The Commission concluded that the bank officials had evidently been negligent in failing to compare the signature prior to making payment, notes Jehangir B Gai.
Top golfer Gaganjeet Bhullar lodged a complaint against Emirates Airlines for delaying his bags, which he said affected his game. Jehangir Gai tells us what happened next.
The National Commission concluded that the claim had been rightly rejected on grounds of misrepresentation in the proposal form and breach of duty to maintain utmost good faith while applying for insurance coverage.
A National Commission order held that the buyer was the borrower and so the bank was entitled to demand the EMI payments from him.
The National Commission ruled that a person must opt for a policy and submit the proposal form after acquainting himself with the terms and scope of coverage to determine where it would be suitable and adequate.
Consumer activist Jehangir B Gai explains a RBI circular that says the customer is not liable for unauthorised transactions that occur due to contributory fraud, negligence, or deficiency on the bank's part.
Consumer activist Jehangir B Gai explains an important new ruling by the National Commission.
The Kerala consumer commission recently concluded in a medical complaint that while negligence had necessitated a second surgery, as there was no evidence to show that it was the cause of disability, it reduced the original compensation ordered, points out consumer activist Jehangir B Gai.
The law does not permit a builder to handover possession under any situation, not even for 'fitout' unless the building completion certificate is obtained, points out Jehangir B Gai.
How a chartered accountant won the battle against his company of interest on his PF dues
Sukhwinder Kaur doggedly pursued her case against Bharti Axa Life Insurance in the consumer courts.
Overbooking by an airline cannot be done ignoring the sense of duty or liability towards passengers with confirmed tickets, the national commission ruled.
Treatment of duodenal ulcer perforation was covered under the policy. The insurance claim ought to have been paid, yet it was rejected.
Merely stating that parking was 'at owner's risk' would not absolve the hotel of its liability.